Cheap Small Personal Websites Gatley, Cheadle, Stockport

How does it work?

Solo features an easy-to-use site builder, called Artisan, which allows you to work on the pages from your site, entering information through simple forms, to let you build and maintain a rich and interesting website.

The basic package comes with Home, News, About, and Links pages, and there are information pages which can be organised into menu groups, providing you with a range of ways of displaying your information. Each of these information pages can also contain multiple images and blocks of text, and can be interlinked.

There are also a number of dynamic elements which can be used to keep your site looking fresh and interesting. On the Home page, you can set a News Item to appear as a headline, informing your visitors of your latest developments. News Items are set with activation dates, so you can build them in advance and have them 'appear' on the site, and expiration dates so they will 'disappear' again when they are out-of-date.

The Quote feature can be used to provide information - "Tip of the Day", "Favourite Quotes", "Saying of the Week" - and can be set to change on a monthly, weekly, daily or even hourly basis, this changes your Home Page at regular intervals, keeping it looking fresh even if you have not updated your website for a while.

You have the option to purchase a Weblog so you can keep your diary online, communicate with friends, colleagues, or the world in general or just Blog to your heart's content. Each entry comes with a block of text and image, and its own date and time stamp so they are easy to find using the Calendar feature on the Weblog page.

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